I read this piece after reading the recent fieldwork post by Anne Thomas and the two are definitely complementary. I think there is so much we can learn about ourselves and each other from being out in the field, especially out in nature (for me, my fieldwork days was in Archaeology, which took me to some lovely spots with plenty of time to think and ponder. I miss it, sometimes.).

The way you weave together the natural and your own sense of becoming is truly wonderful. Thanks for sharing.

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Thank you so much for being here to read and witness it. I really appreciate it ♥️ it is amazing how much time in nature makes us who we are.

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Change is an integral part of our journeys, and your willingness to move forward, even in the face of uncertainty, is a show of your strength and resilience. The image of following curiosity past your fear is a powerful one, and it's a message that resonates deeply with many.

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Thank you for the kind words!

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You have many women inside you. Exploring who they are and finding the connections between them, the disparate ones, not turning away or stifling any of them, this is the path to self acceptance, confidence, the ineffable you, the only you in this universe. Keep to this path, follow the river, you won’t get lost

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Thank you ♥️ beautifully written and very meaningful. Full acceptance of all of them is the goal, but not an easy one.

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Nov 30, 2023Liked by Angie Kelly

This is beautiful. Your writing has a poetic quality to it. I read somewhere that chickadees vary the number of dees inversely to the perceived threat. One dee is extremely threatening and 4 dees, not so much. I found that fascinating. Now I always count the dees! Looking forward to more bird stories! 😁

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They do!! It’s so cute, I love that. And thank you ♥️ I’m so glad you enjoyed it! I appreciate you!

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“There are days that I catch glimpses of the woman I am becoming. I see her through the forest ahead of me. I see her under the water, so near the surface, beckoning me deeper.”

Beautiful. Me too xx

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Thank you ♥️

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I don’t think I mentioned this in my last field work post but I was also fighting a cold up until the night before and was so torn about whether to call it off, but when I woke up I was miraculously clear, and so grateful. I’m glad you’ve had some recovery time, and also glad you still got some field time to share with us.

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It’s a tough call with field work because we want to go so the fun stuff but it’s also the hardest on our bodies. I’m so glad yours cleared up in time! I’m also grateful I had some time off to recover, even if it meant missing out on some field days. I definitely needed it.

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“There are days that I catch glimpses of the woman I am becoming”: phenomenal writing, Angie.

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Thank you so much ☺️

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Beautifully expressed.

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Chickadees are in the majority at my feeders. Mid-summer I came out to find one caught by the cental claw of one foot in the metal trough of the feeder, hanging upside-down and fluttering occasionally in the breeze.

Others of his kind were all around, but flew to higher branches when I approached. I carefully cupped his body in my hand from behind and lifted him above the capture point, so that his foot was freed. Immediately I opened my hand, and he quickly joined the flock, arrayed on the high branches of an adjacent weeping cherry.

They’d already understood that I feed them and mean them no harm. None of them left, but watched as I completed filling the feeders. I’ve since replaced that feeder with a less-hazardous one.

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I’m glad you saw it in time to help! It’s also very sweet that they all waited for the one that was stuck. I love chickadees. They have such big personalities in such a tiny container.

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