Jan 25Liked by Angie Kelly

I have spent my whole life feeling this way about work! It’s a bummer. It’s possible you could get a job that suits you better and be happier, but still it’s definitely not what I want to do with my life either. My whole life people have told me to suck it up, no one wants to work. I’m not going to say that to you. I’m cheering you on to find a way out of the 9 to 5 drudgery. People do figure it out and I bet you will too... especially if you keep writing! ❤️

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"I am not the modern career woman I trained to become for so many years." THIS! THIS!!!!!!! I also am not the modern career woman I trained to become for so many years! What an empowering statement.

This letter felt like such a comforting hug when I got it in my inbox. It's a really lovely feeling to read sentiments that are so relatable and heartfelt, even if they're difficult (sometimes especially if they're difficult?). I've also been in a hibernation state the last few months, really a year in some ways. After getting long covid for about 11 months in 2022, I lost all passion for my job which bites when it's your own company haha. You're supposed to be madly in love with the thing you loved enough to go independent on... forever? It's been a long process of unpacking that feeling of self worth based on productivity and my career and focus inward. And it's taken a while. In some ways I'm still struggling with it all. Being able to focus more on writing and nature has been a huge transformation in my life. I'm also not who I thought I was, and I think it's for the better. I am also just spending time 'just being' with my partner and I'm grateful he's been encouraging me to 'just be' and focus less on chasing my career and focusing more on the things that genuinely make me happy removed from the capitalism grind. I can't say I'm entirely "fixed" or "Cured" from these feelings but I also am encouraging you along this path! It's awful to define oneself based on your career and I think breaking free of that toxic mindset is so healthy :)

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I am so glad to feel less alone. This is exactly how I’ve been feeling.

I’ve been trying not to shame myself for it, especially because I feel like I’m “wasting” winter, my favorite season.

Thank you for your beautiful words and your vulnerability.

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Jan 25Liked by Angie Kelly

Being outside has always made me feel better and take my mind off of stressful things. Because we started a business that I could work from home, and could also usually set my own schedule, was a definite improvement to me. Although it is not a very interesting job I could focus my "work" more on my family and myself. Life often changes. It certainly seems different now than when I was raising kids. But that could certainly be due to aging!

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Jan 25Liked by Angie Kelly

Well, look on the bright side. Utqiagvik saw the sun rise for the first time in 66 days yesterday, and they are gaining daylight very fast. The end will come.

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So poetic, as usual! Thank you for letting us enter your magical world of wintering and mountain hikes and now glittery dazzling air!

I've had a similarly rough time at work this month, and I think it's in part due to the fact that in January we need to take it much slower than the corporate world imposes. Let's just be for a minute... or a month.

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